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Diciembre 17, 2004

Guerras de religión

"Hollywood is controlled by secular Jews who hate Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular".
William Donohue, presidente de la Liga Católica.

2004: The Year of "The Passion". Frank Rich en NYT.

"My hope of teaching in the United States was based on the sincere aspiration to participate in the pressing and topical debates of our time. An unjust decision does not bar me from continuing this imperative struggle for dialogue and understanding between women and men, between religions and cultures."

Tariq Ramadán renuncia a dar clases en EEUU por la negativa de las autoridades norteamericanas a concederle el visado de entrada en el país.

Muslim academic resigns from US university. The Guardian.

Posted by Iñigo at Diciembre 17, 2004 03:00 PM

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