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Enero 14, 2007

Ejecución con sonrisas

Escenas del suicidio de los palestinos, en esta ocasión protagonizado por los pistoleros de Hamás:

But I tell myself I can't complain - compared to Mohammed, I'm fortunate. All they did was blow up my house. The Hamas activists executed him with smiles, with pleasure. They laughed and joked among themselves and then shot him to death. Afterwards they tied up his nephew and held him for several hours, a boy of 16. At one point he asked for water. They returned a few minutes later with a suspicious-looking liquid and the boy understood that he shouldn't drink it. Then they poured it on his hands. Do you know what it was? Acid. Do you understand the depths of the hatred?" Abu Zeida asked. (...)

"You have to understand," Abu Safiya said, "The people who wanted to kill Sufian are 18, maybe 20 years old, whereas he was in prison for 12 years. Who behaves like that? Even the Israelis who arrest a suicide bomber treat him with respect compared to what Hamas did to Gharib."

Fatah y Hamás vuelven a hacer otro intento de formar un Gobierno de coalición. El primer ministro palestino denuncia que EEUU e Israel están conduciendo a los palestinos a la guerra civil. Parece que algunos de sus seguidores no necesitan ser presionados para llegar a ese punto.

Posted by Iñigo at Enero 14, 2007 01:43 PM

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