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Noviembre 08, 2007

Ráfagas - 8 noviembre

--Nuevas hazañas de los mercenarios de Blackwater:

Last Feb. 7, a sniper employed by Blackwater USA, the private security company, opened fire from the roof of the Iraqi Justice Ministry. The bullet tore through the head of a 23-year-old guard for the state-funded Iraqi Media Network [el organismo de los medios de comunicación públicos de Irak], who was standing on a balcony across an open traffic circle. Another guard rushed to his colleague's side and was fatally shot in the neck. A third guard was found dead more than an hour later on the same balcony.

Eight people who responded to the shootings -- including media network and Justice Ministry guards and an Iraqi army commander -- and five network officials in the compound said none of the slain guards had fired on the Justice Ministry, where a U.S. diplomat was in a meeting. An Iraqi police report described the shootings as "an act of terrorism" and said Blackwater "caused the incident." The media network concluded that the guards were killed "without any provocation."

La embajada de EEUU sostiene que el tiroteo en un solo sentido estaba justificado. Ni se molestaron en entrevistar a los supervivientes o en visitar el lugar de los hechos.

--El negocio continúa. El Departamento de Estado pide 1.500 millones de dólares para pagar a las empresas de seguridad que tienen que proteger a diplomáticos y personal civil.

--El Ejército norteamericano anuncia que ha expulsado de Bagdad a Al Qaeda. Ya oigo los tambores de victoria, que no escucharán aún el 14% de los iraquíes expulsados de sus casas por la guerra.

--Bush pide a Musharraf que cuelgue el uniforme. Ya puestos, podría también solicitarle las facturas de los miles de millones de dólares que EEUU le concede directamente. Sin hacer preguntas.

In fact, however, a considerable amount of the money the U.S. gives to Pakistan is administered not through U.S. agencies or joint U.S.-Pakistani programs. Instead, the U.S. gives Musharraf's government about $200 million annually and his military $100 million monthly in the form of direct cash transfers. Once that money leaves the U.S. Treasury, Musharraf can do with it whatever he wants.

Posted by Iñigo at Noviembre 8, 2007 04:16 PM

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