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Abril 15, 2008

Hillary, la escopetera

hillary cazadora.jpg

Clinton vuelve a reinventarse para exprimir sus últimas posibilidades:

"You know, my dad took me out behind the cottage that my grandfather built on a little lake called Lake Winola outside of Scranton and taught me how to shoot when I was a little girl,” she said. (...)

"As I told you, my dad taught me how to shoot behind our cottage,” she said. “I have gone hunting. I am not a hunter. But I have gone hunting."

Ahora es Hillary, la mujer que está dispuesta a empuñar un arma, la misma que en la presidencia de su marido apoyó todas las iniciativas de control de armas. Pero a la que le gusta sentir el frío contacto con el acero entre los dedos. Por si tiene que responder al fuego de los francotiradores.

Cada día se parece más a John Kerry.

Y todo a cuenta de las ya famosas palabras de Obama sobre los resentidos.

You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.

And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

Regla número uno en la campaña: no insultes (ni siquiera indirectamente) a los votantes. Veremos si no lo lamenta. Las encuestas nacionales le mantienen por delante, pero quizá en Pennsylvania se lo tomen como algo personal.

Posted by Iñigo at Abril 15, 2008 12:11 AM

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Y mientras Hillary se da contra la pared (me ha gustado el fotomontaje "frommycoldhands") En el mundo real, Obama "promete"

-Obama Would "Immediately Review" Potential Of Crimes In Bush White House.-


¿Puedo votarle?

Espero que sea cierto y no sólo una promesa.

Posted by: nushu at Abril 15, 2008 08:20 AM

Ya solo que saque el tema le honra. De Obama, hablo.

Posted by: Prisamata at Abril 15, 2008 10:50 AM

Sera posible que Obama no insulte, sino que simplemente se equivoque? Cuesta creerlo.


2) The white working class isn't the problem; Dixie is. This theory has been forwarded by Paul Krugman and Thomas Schaller, among others. It would not be wise for Obama to embrace this theory before he locks up the nomination, lest he forsake Southern superdelegates or primary delegates in North Carolina and West Virginia, whose contests still lie ahead. (Obama has tended to do particularly well in the South in part because African-Americans are well-represented in the Southern Democratic Party base.) But after the convention, Obama, if he is the Democratic nominee, might as well write off the South, because Democrats can't win there. Princeton's Larry Bartels made the case two years ago in the Quarterly Journal of Political Science. According to Bartels, the white voters lacking college degrees who have abandoned the Democratic Party in droves are nearly all Southerners. Outside the South, the decline among voters in this group who support Democratic presidential candidates is less than 1 percent. Moreover, if the white working class's interest in "guns or religion" indicates derangement or bitterness, then the white working class isn't very deranged or bitter. According to Bartels, there is no evidence that social issues outweigh economic ones among white voters lacking college degrees. Social issues have admittedly become more important to voters during the past two decades, but the derangement/bitterness index has risen most steeply not for the proles but for the country-club set. For example, white voters with college degrees give more than twice as much weight to the issue of abortion than white voters lacking college degrees. Most devastating to Frank's analysis, "most of his white working-class voters see themselves as closer to the Democratic party on social issues like abortion and gender roles but closer to the Republican party on economic issues" (italics mine).

Posted by: Antonio at Abril 15, 2008 02:01 PM

Otro regalito. Aunque ya se sabe que hablar de dinero en esta campanha esta feo y que en los medios espanholes el que no se vote a Obama es inexplicablde o resultado 100% del racismo. Ya se sabe, o vas a Harvard, o no sabes de que hablas y tu voto no vale.


With the controversy over Obama's remarks, the mainstream press and Obama supporters have finally noticed the class divide in Democratic politics. They've started to wonder why Mr. and Mrs. NASCAR may not be enthusiastic about the Obama candidacy. A Gallup Poll released on April 9 showed that among non-Hispanic white Democrats, support for Clinton vs. Obama among those with a high school education or less -- 61 to 33 -- was almost the exact reverse of the pattern among those with a postgraduate education -- 32 to 61.

The path of least resistance for liberal journalists and bloggers is to respond to these disturbing numbers by demonizing less-educated white Democrats. That is easier for them than to grasp the idea that these voters might actually like Hillary Clinton. One theory holds that "low information" voters, ignorant of the candidates and the issues, favor Clinton because of name recognition. But contrary to the progressive mythology about "low-information voters," a March Gallup poll shows that "both Obama and Clinton have near-universal name identification across all educational levels."

Posted by: Antonio at Abril 15, 2008 02:14 PM

George Packer coincide que Obama se equivoca. Yo creo que se equivoca y lo hace insultando a votantes potenciales.

The real problem with what Obama said is that it’s basically untrue. In southwestern Pennsylvania, religion, hunting, and insularity predate the post-industrial era. They’ve have become politically manipulable points in part because of economic decline, but to confuse wedge issues with traditional values is the mark of the high-minded reformer or the political junkie, or both. It’s the kind of mistake one could make only from a great distance, once those voters had become almost entirely abstract—and, again, no one wants to be an abstraction.


Posted by: Iñigo at Abril 15, 2008 08:41 PM

Me ha encantado el titular del artículo de hoy de Arianna Huffington:

John McCain Should Go on Vacation, Hillary Clinton is Doing His Job for Him

Posted by: Adrian Vogel at Abril 15, 2008 09:00 PM

Los americanos dan un miedo con las armas...

Posted by: minijuegos at Abril 17, 2008 05:44 PM