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Febrero 23, 2009

Crímenes de guerra en Gaza

Amnistía Internacional denuncia que Israel utilizó proyectiles con fósforo blanco para cometer crímenes de guerra y otras violaciones graves del derecho internacional humanitario:

Amnesty International found that the Israeli army used white phosphorus, a weapon with a highly incendiary effect, in densely-populated civilian residential areas in and around Gaza City, and in the north and south of the Gaza Strip. The organization’s delegates found white phosphorus still burning in residential areas throughout Gaza days after the ceasefire came into effect on 18 January - that is, up to three weeks after the white phosphorus artillery shells had been fired by Israeli forces. Amnesty International considers that the repeated use of white phosphorus in this way in densely-populated civilian areas constitutes a form of indiscriminate attack, and amounts to a war crime. (...)

A 16-year-old girl, Samia Salman Al-Manay'a, was asleep in her home in the Jabalia refugee camp, north of Gaza City, when a phosphorus shell landed on the first floor of the house at 8pm on 10 January. Ten days later, from her hospital bed, she told Amnesty International that she was still experiencing intense pain due to the burns to her face and legs. “The pain is piercing. It's as though a fire is burning in my body. It's too much for me to bear. In spite of all the medicine they are giving me the pain is still so strong.”

--Informe completo (pdf).

Posted by Iñigo at Febrero 23, 2009 09:16 PM

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¡que novedad! ¡Israel comete crimenes de guerra! Una forma mas suave de decir terrorismo de Estado

Posted by: Jose at Febrero 24, 2009 12:23 AM

Después por ahí aprece tanto "neoprog" a decir que que las fotos están trucadas, que el fósforo blanco es legal (no en zonas urbanas, les falta decir) y cualquier justificativo ¿Qué van a decir ahora? ¿Que la ONU está en contra de las resoluciones de la ONU?
¿Qué va a hacer la ONU para arreglar la cagada que hizo al fundar Israel? ¿Qué podemos hacer al respecto?

Posted by: Elías Mandeb at Febrero 24, 2009 04:40 AM

Es verdad que Israel usaba fosforo blanco, pero era legal y tandem de la ley internacional (para iluminar blancos en la noche). De hecho, hay prueba que Hamas usaba fosforo blanco en sus cohetes que eran apuntar a civiles.
vea: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3656311,00.html
Amnistia Internacional solo quiere dununcir Israel

Posted by: Dan at Febrero 24, 2009 11:56 PM