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Febrero 08, 2009

Un director de la CIA borracho

Una impagable anécdota aparece en el libro "A World of Trouble", de Patrick Tyler, dedicado a las relaciones de EEUU con Oriente Medio en las últimas décadas. El protagonista es el entonces director de la CIA George Tenet. El lugar es uno de los palacios del príncipe saudí Bandar.

His prologue begins: "Night had long since fallen over central Saudi Arabia in early 2004 when George Tenet came trudging out of his bedroom in Prince Bandar bin Sultan's palace and asked for scotch whiskey." Tenet, then CIA director, had just gotten off one of his secure phones after learning from aids that the White House essentially planned to blame him and the agency for the faulty prewar intelligence on Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction. Unable to sleep, though he'd taken a pill, Tenet emerged from his room clad only in boxer shorts and T-shirt, surprising Bandar and an aide, who were watching television.

After downing most of a bottle of Scotch, Tyler writes, and raging against "the Jews" (read, neoconservatives) in the Bush administration, Tenet decided to go for a swim in his underwear while continuing to ramble angrily, smoke a cigar and drink more liquor. Bandar and his aide, worried the CIA director would drown under the influence of medication and alcohol, hovered nearby at a poolside bar.

Habría sido toda una noticia si el director de la CIA se hubiera ahogado completamente borracho en la piscina de uno de los hombres más poderosos de Arabia Saudí.

Posted by Iñigo at Febrero 8, 2009 06:33 PM

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¿Se imagina las conspiranoias si eso hubiese llegado a suceder?

Posted by: Ikke Leonhardt at Febrero 9, 2009 10:10 AM