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Noviembre 15, 2005

Ellos sabían más

James Fallows responde al último, y bastante penoso, intento de Bush de defender su decisión de invadir Irak. En concreto, se refiere al argumento de que todo el mundo (Gobiernos, medios de comunicación, servicios de inteligencia...) creía antes de la invasión que Sadam ocultaba un arsenal de armas prohibidas:

But at the time, Administration officials were most emphasically NOT saying "hey, we're all operating in the dark here." The implied message of every briefing for reporters, every speech to the public, and every background session with legislators, was: If you knew what we knew, then you'd be as alarmed as we are.
That was the message of Dick Cheney's statement that "there can be no doubt" that Iraq "now" , of Condi Rice's warning about the mushroom cloud, and of Colin Powell's presentation to the UN. The argument over Iraq's capabilities was by definition one sided, because the Administration's presumed insider knowledge trumped what anyone else could say. To pretend this was just a big widely-shared confusion is dishonest and wrong.

Y hay más razones. Bush acusó a sus críticos en el último discurso de estar reescribiendo la historia. Lo siento, pero Fallows no es tan idiota como para creérselo.

Posted by Iñigo at Noviembre 15, 2005 08:31 PM

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