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Octubre 20, 2006

Miss Abú Ghraib no puede tocar la bandera

Lynndie England ha cumplido casi un año de su condena a 36 meses de prisión por las torturas de Abú Ghraib. Ha concedido una entrevista, la primera desde el juicio, a la revista Marie Claire (no, no es una broma).

Clearly, England has confided in her lawyer about things she saw or did that never came up in court, and Hardy wants to protect her from any new charges. So he has counseled her to say, "I heard," or "There were rumors," or "I was told," when she describes things.

"Some of them were nice," she says, referring to the detainees. "Some of them spoke English. Some of them hated Americans."

Is it true that an American contractor sexually assaulted an Iraqi boy in prison?

"I heard rumors he did things to boys in the cell," she says.

Were men hung in their cells with their arms tied behind their backs?

Hardy [su abogado] gives England a stern look. "Remember what I said," he tells her.

"I was told there were hangings of people in the doorways of cells," she says.

Al igual que los demás presos, England tiene que realizar distintas tareas en la prisión militar. Hay una que no le está permitida. Arriar y plegar la bandera de EEUU cuando termina la jornada de trabajo. Hay un campo de golf cercano, desde el que se ven algunas instalaciones de la cárcel, y alguien podría sacarle una foto poniendo sus manos sobre la enseña.

[Vía Eat the Press]

Posted by Iñigo at Octubre 20, 2006 11:37 AM

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Como el anuncio de la mastercard:

Por torturar ....36 meses
Por que te vean tocando tu banderita,...no tiene precio.

Posted by: pecha at Octubre 20, 2006 02:31 PM