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Noviembre 15, 2006

Contra la lapidación

Contra la lapidación en Irán

Amnistía Internacional ha puesto en marcha una campaña de firmas contra la condena a muerte por lapidación que han recibido siete mujeres en Irán. Se puede firmar en este formulario disponible en la web de la organización para que la protesta llegue a las autoridades iraníes. 373.000 personas ya lo han hecho.

La iniciativa de Amnistía se une a otras campañas promovidas desde dentro de Irán. Abogados iraníes han descubierto que esta brutal forma de imponer la pena de muerte se está aplicando en Irán poco menos que en secreto, ya que aparentemente la única forma 'legal' de matar a alguien allí es con la horca:

It became urgent to initiate this campaign after a group of volunteer attorneys in Iran found in their investigations that two women have been killed through stoning this year, without being noticed by anybody. In fact, the media were banned from mentioning the word “stoning” in their news coverage of these women’s death, and they were reported as being executed. (In Iran execution only takes place by being hanged, and stoning is not considered execution legally. Also, a stoning sentence can’t be converted to execution, i.e. death by being hanged.) So, what does this mean? It means these two women were buried alive in a pit with their sheet-covered head exposed outside, smashed by marble-sized rocks thrown by the members of the community until they died gradually and painfully. What was their crime? They committed adultery. (Married people who have sex with someone other than their spouse will be sentenced to stoning in Iran.)

The same volunteer attorneys found 11 more people, two men and nine women, sentenced to stoning and awaiting their brutal death in Iran’s prisons.

No creo que haya formas honorables de aplicar la pena de muerte, pero sí es evidente que la lapidación es una práctica repugnante que no tenemos la obligación de tolerar. Y sería conveniente que nuestro Gobierno y todos los de la Unión Europea comunicaran esta protesta al de Irán. En nuestros valores, la palabra 'civilizaciones' no puede incluir un crimen tan horrendo como la lapidación.

Posted by Iñigo at Noviembre 15, 2006 12:34 PM

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La verdad que ningún relativismo cultural puede tapar tamaña acción repleta de barbarie y discriminación en su uso.

Posted by: pecha at Noviembre 15, 2006 01:50 PM

por casualidad alguien ha leído el documento que ha salido de la ultima reunión de la Alianza de Civilizaciones. lo digo porque no se si al presidente español le hará mucha gracia este tipo de campaña.

un pequeña parte del documento dice:

«Who prevails in these intra-Muslim struggles is central not only to the future of Muslim societies, but also to their future relations with the rest of the world, which is why we take up this matter here. Clearly these tensions can only be settled by Muslim societies themselves. While there is no obvious role for non-Muslims to play, Western activists and governments in particular should avoid certain actions that have negative repercussions on debates taking place in Muslim societies. Propagation by Western media and official authorities of over-simplified explanations that either blame Islam as a religion or that falsely pit secularists against religious activists has a detrimental effect. This includes media coverage that gives time and space only to the most extreme of the religious voices in the Muslim world and to the most anti-Muslim ideologues in the West to counter them. Similarly, some media produced in Muslim countries that presents mostly or entirely negative portrayals of other communities feeds polarization. The use of expressions such as "Islamic terrorism" in the West and "modern Crusaders" in the Muslim world exacerbates the mutual hostility.»

mas aquí:


Posted by: Phil at Noviembre 15, 2006 04:33 PM

por casualidad alguien ha leído el documento que ha salido de la ultima reunión de la Alianza de Civilizaciones. lo digo porque no se si al presidente español le hará mucha gracia este tipo de campaña.

un pequeña parte del documento dice:

«Who prevails in these intra-Muslim struggles is central not only to the future of Muslim societies, but also to their future relations with the rest of the world, which is why we take up this matter here. Clearly these tensions can only be settled by Muslim societies themselves. While there is no obvious role for non-Muslims to play, Western activists and governments in particular should avoid certain actions that have negative repercussions on debates taking place in Muslim societies. Propagation by Western media and official authorities of over-simplified explanations that either blame Islam as a religion or that falsely pit secularists against religious activists has a detrimental effect. This includes media coverage that gives time and space only to the most extreme of the religious voices in the Muslim world and to the most anti-Muslim ideologues in the West to counter them. Similarly, some media produced in Muslim countries that presents mostly or entirely negative portrayals of other communities feeds polarization. The use of expressions such as "Islamic terrorism" in the West and "modern Crusaders" in the Muslim world exacerbates the mutual hostility.»

mas aquí:


Posted by: Phil at Noviembre 15, 2006 04:34 PM