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Enero 15, 2007



Las pinturas de Fernando Botero inspiradas en las torturas de Abú Ghraib se expondrán por primera vez en un museo norteamericano. Hace unos meses, se les dedicó una exposición en una galería de Nueva York.

--La ofensiva norteamericana sobre Bagdad contará con la colaboración de unidades del Ejército iraquí. Dos brigadas del norte serán desplegadas en la capital. ¿Problema? El 95% de sus soldados son kurdos y casi no hablan árabe. Gran ayuda.

--Ghaith Abdul-Ahad, de The Guardian, es uno de los pocos periodistas que mantiene contactos con líderes de la insurgencia suní y vive para contarlo. Su último artículo es muy revelador: algunos grupos de la insurgencia han aparcado de momento su lucha contra los norteamericanos y se ocupan de hacer frente a las milicias shiies.

--El mayor tanatorio de Bagdad recibió 16.000 cadáveres sin identificar en el 2006, la mayoría víctimas de la violencia sectaria.

--La venta de armas a dictaduras y regímenes autoritarios ha aumentado en el mandato de Bush. Cosas de la "guerra contra el terrorismo".

El asesinato de Sadat en El Cairo en 1981.

Posted by Iñigo at Enero 15, 2007 04:52 PM

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-Lo de Botero me recuerda a Goya y sus desastres de la guerra. Los imperios en sus carnicerías de forma colateral contribuyen al arte.

-"The jihad now is against the Shia, not the Americans."
El artículo vale su peso en oro. Que coincidencia que quien dice eso se beneficia del tráfico de armas costeadas en última instancia por los norteamericanos : "He told me that one of his main suppliers had been an interpreter working for the US army in Baghdad. "He had a deal with an American officer. We bought brand new AKs and ammunition from them." He claimed the American officer, whom he had never met but he believed was a captain serving at Baghdad airport, had even helped to divert a truckload of weapons as soon as it was driven over the border from Jordan.

These days Rami gets most of his supplies from the new American-equipped Iraqi army. "We buy ammunition from officers in charge of warehouses, a small box of AK-47 bullets is $450 (£230). If the guy sells a thousand boxes he can become rich and leave the country." But as the security situation deteriorates, Rami finds it increasingly difficult to travel across Baghdad. "Now I have to pay a Shia taxi driver to bring the ammo to me. He gets $50 for each shipment."

The box of 700 bullets that Rami buys for $450 today would have cost between $150 and $175 a year ago. The price of a Kalashnikov has risen from $300 to $400 in the same period. The inflation in arms prices reflects Iraq's plunge toward civil war but, largely unnoticed by the outside world, the Sunni insurgency has also changed. The conflict into which 20,000 more American troops will be catapulted over the next few weeks is very different to the one their comrades experienced even a year ago."

Mientras se maten los iraquíes...

Posted by: pecha at Enero 16, 2007 09:24 AM