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Abril 29, 2007

Por los servicios prestados

Jaguar 1995

Realmente tener a los gobernantes saudíes como amigos predilectos es un chollo. No sólo por el petróleo:

A few nights after he resigned his post as secretary of state two years ago, Colin L. Powell answered a ring at his front door. Standing outside was Prince Bandar, then Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the United States, with a 1995 Jaguar. Mr. Powell’s wife, Alma, had once mentioned that she missed their 1995 Jaguar, which she and her husband had traded in. Prince Bandar had filed that information away, and presented the Powells that night with an identical, 10-year-old model. The Powells kept the car — a gift that the State Department said was legal — but recently traded it away.

Si los saudíes dejaran de meter dinero en la política norteamericana, los concesionarios de coches usados no serían los únicos en lamentarlo.

Posted by Iñigo at Abril 29, 2007 06:51 PM

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