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Junio 23, 2008

El cómic y el arte de la guerra


La guerra de Irak sido una influencia interesante para el cómic norteamericano. También para aquellos que sitúan su acción fuera de Oriente Medio y en el futuro, como DMZ. Es curioso que a veces la realidad está a la altura de la loca imaginación de los creadores.

Shooting War is not alone in its unremitting cynicism towards the giants of traditional media. In DMZ, Matty often finds himself in direct conflict with Liberty News, his reluctant employer. Brian Wood admits that the network is a thinly veiled version of Fox News. "Liberty News is a version of Fox News, but I took it a huge step forwards so that Liberty News and the US government are basically the same thing. I intentionally blur that line. Liberty News has soldiers in it; there are guys in uniform in the network rooms. I make a point of confusing the two so that you're not sure where one ends and the other begins. When I came up with that idea, I thought 'this is a stretch, but I'll do it anyway'. But recently the news broke that retired generals and admirals who had been hired by news networks as experts had secretly been on the Pentagon payroll. They're actually paid to be these supposedly 'retired, objective' analysts. It's still a long way off from what I put in the book, but it's a huge step closer."

Iraq: How a daring new generation of graphic novelists view the art of war. The Independent.

Posted by Iñigo at Junio 23, 2008 09:41 PM

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DMZ está siendo publicado por Planeta, y pese a su interés inicial es, para mí, bastante poca cosa.

Posted by: absence at Junio 24, 2008 09:41 AM

Por cierto, el otro cómic comentado en el artículo de The Independent, Pride of Baghdad, también está editado por Planeta con el título Los Leones de Bagdad. Me gustó bastante más que DMZ, aunque es un tanto ambiguo con el conflicto en sí.

Posted by: absence at Junio 24, 2008 08:32 PM