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Noviembre 09, 2008

En la Casa Blanca

Obama no es el primer negro en llegar a la Casa Blanca. Este artículo de The Washington Post recuerda a Gene Allen, que trabajó para ocho presidentes desde 1952 hasta su jubilación. Primero como camarero, luego como mayordomo. Hay otras historias de afroamericanos que trabajaron o fueron invitados a la Casa Blanca:

In February 1963, Kennedy invited 800 blacks to the White House to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. Louis Martin, a Democratic operative who helped plan the function, had placed the names of entertainer Sammy Davis Jr. and his wife, May Britt, on the guest list. The White House scratched it off and Martin would put it back on. According to Martin, Kennedy was aghast when he saw the black and white couple stroll into the White House. His face reddened and he instructed photographers that no pictures of the interracial couple would be taken.

Un artículo que necesita leerse hasta el final.

Una imagen para recordar: en la noche del 4 de noviembre varias personas escuchan por la radio el discurso de Obama en el monumento a Lincoln.

Posted by Iñigo at Noviembre 9, 2008 02:42 PM

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Bill Maher el viernes comentó 'and again comes the black man to clean up the mess'

Posted by: Adrian Vogel at Noviembre 9, 2008 08:47 PM

El NYT tambien trae hoy un articulo sobre lo mismo:


Lou Hoover, the wife of Herbert Hoover, found that to be a problem in 1929, after Oscar De Priest became the first African-American elected to Congress since Reconstruction. She was admonished not to invite Mr. DePriest’s wife to her traditional tea for Congressional wives, so instead she arranged a separate tea party for Mrs. DePriest. But ***the event still drew a resolution of criticism from the Texas Legislature***.

Posted by: Antonio at Noviembre 9, 2008 09:57 PM