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Enero 19, 2009

Los libros los carga el diablo

Mad Bush.jpg

La era Bush en las portadas de la revista MAD.

--Del balance de Bush hecho por The Economist:

Lack of curiosity also led Mr Bush to suspect intellectuals in general and academic experts in particular. David Frum, who wrote speeches for Mr Bush during his first term, noted that “conspicuous intelligence seemed actively unwelcome in the Bush White House”. The Bush cabinet was “solid and reliable”, but contained no “really high-powered brains”. Karen Hughes, one of his closest advisers, “rarely read books and distrusted people who did”.

En eso sí que va a haber un cambio.

--El resumen más real de los años de Bush está en los titulares de The Onion. Un ejemplo entre muchos: Bush Offers Taxpayers Another $300 If We Go To War.

--Una selección (con vídeos) de sus momentos más cómicos.

Posted by Iñigo at Enero 19, 2009 07:28 PM

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