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Febrero 03, 2011

La batalla de Tahrir

Impresionante el testimonio en Twitter de Evan Hill, productor de Al Jazeera English, que acaba de volver a la plaza Tahrir. Sus últimos mensajes entre la 1.30 y las 2.00, hora española:

Heavy military presence at the museum, and there's a line of tanks and APCs, but they're pointed toward the square.

Almost everyone inside Tahrir is armed and/or walking with a limp. One man has a police riot shield.

The whole road leading into Tahrir from the bridge has been turned into a stockpile of rocks. Boss yells: come to the front.

Protesters are shuttling up huge bags of rocks, moving them using four people.

I'm about 100 meters behind the front line and the sounds from ahead are like a premodern war, constant banging and shouting.

Tweeting from the front line at Tahrir, men are beating on metal railing rhythmically with sticks. Rocks raining down ahead.

The rain of rocks back and forth at the museum is constant, most coming from the protesters. The background drum beat on metal never stops.

Right at the barricade now, men in headwraps just sling rocks over the top without knowing what they'll hit.

Posted by Iñigo at Febrero 3, 2011 01:41 AM

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Me ha servido de mucha ayuda esta página para ponerme al día, felicidades por el trabajo. He comenzado a seguir a Evan Hill, a la vez que veo en directo el canal Al Jazeera por "streaming". Los testimonios de los periodistas a pie de calle son impresionantes (también los de Evan Hill), se me va ha quedar grabado el testimonio de una periodista que informaba, entre lágrimas, la dura situación que estaba viviendo.

Posted by: RAStandby at Febrero 3, 2011 05:01 AM