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Enero 04, 2005

Asia: promesas y realidad

Los Gobiernos y organizaciones internacionales han prometido aportar cerca de 2.000 millones de dólares para las tareas de emergencia y reconstrucción de los países asiáticos castigados por los maremotos. Y si lo han prometido, es porque lo van a cumplir, ¿no?

Eso espero. Una agencia de la ONU no lo tiene tan claro. The Guardian:

The United Nations yesterday warned that huge promises of aid from rich countries to the Asia tsunami crisis might not be fulfilled as some countries use dubious methods to appear more generous than they really are. Charities and international bodies say they fear that much of the money pledged so far to help the emergency in southern Asia may not materialise because governments traditionally renege on their humanitarian pledges.
Hombre, no creo que tengan tanta cara. ¿O sí la tienen? Veamos lo que ha ocurrido en catástrofes anteriores:
The disparity between government promises and the delivery of emergency and rehabilitation aid can be extreme. Iranian government officials working to rebuild Bam, destroyed by an earthquake exactly a year before the Asian tsunami, last week said that of $1.1bn aid promised by foreign countries and organisations only $17.5m had been sent.

Similarly, more than $400m was pledged by rich countries to help rebuild Mozambique after floods in 2000, but according to its public works minister, less than half was delivered.

The worst example was Hurricane Mitch, which in 1998 swept through Honduras and Nicaragua, killing more than 9,000 people and making 3 million homeless. Governments pledged more than $3.5bn and the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the EU promised a further $5.2bn, but less than a third of the money was ever raised.

Me temo lo peor. Habrá que estar atentos.

Nosotros estamos bien

Algunos no parecen estar interesados en recibir ayuda. El primer ministro de Tailandia afirma que su país no necesitará ayuda financiera del exterior porque tiene recursos suficientes para afrontar la reconstrucción con sus propios medios. ¿Orgullo nacional o recursos suficientes? El Gobierno tailandés se ha comprometido a gastar 1.500 millones de dólares en la reconstrucción. El sector turístico emplea a 200.000 personas y supone un 6% del PIB.

Posted by Iñigo at Enero 4, 2005 07:10 PM

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The ornate ceremonial courtroom at U.S. District Court in Washingotn, D.C. will be the backdrop for Judge Thomas Hogan to hear arguments from the Department of Justice and the House of Representatives, as well as Jefferson's lawyer, on the search which Hogan condoned.

Posted by: culingram at Junio 18, 2006 03:51 AM