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Junio 07, 2006

Spam con olor a Irak

Los artistas del spam nigeriano ya tienen una nueva historia para los incautos con cuenta de correo. No es el primero que aparece relacionado con Irak ni será el último.

sir/ma'am My name is, Major. Jeffrey Burton and i represent a faction of American soldiers, serving in the military of the 1st Armored Division in Iraq, we came across your e-mail address(s) in the process of research and enquiry into an immense millitary global data base. I believe you are familiar with the war situation in Iraq? Besides the killings, a lot of activities do occur; antique sales, stocked foreign cash discovered and lots more. We are lucratively involved in these activities. Consequently, we require a worthy, upright and business minded individual for safe keeping outside the Iraqi state. You might have an insight through http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/2988455.stm and details will be sent upon signal of interest.

Vaya, el spam ha descubierto el hipertexto con fines informativos. Parece mentira que los nigerianos hayan sido más rápidos que muchos medios de comunicación.

Me encanta eso de "beside the killings".

Posted by Iñigo at Junio 7, 2006 04:37 PM

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